The symptoms and treatment of helminths in children

Intestinal worms in children with this problem should do in the face of almost all parents. The parasites enter the body in various ways, disrupt the functioning of internal organs and systems, of the products of their life causing the development of intoxication and allergies.

Most often, children are infected by different types of earth worms, the infection occurs in the case of non-observance of rules of hygiene, through everyday objects. The incubation period is 3 to 6 weeks, during this time, the number of parasites increases significantly, which leads to the appearance of negative symptoms.


As the infection occurs by earthworms:

  • the consumption of dirty water, vegetables, berries and fruit;
  • the contact with the animals and homeless animals;
  • flies, mosquitoes, undergo the eggs of the parasites;
  • games with a dirty sand, the earth;
  • infection with worms occurs through contact – the eggs survive in the environment outside (if the child will dirty the subject, and then touching the hands to the mouth, the parasites enter the digestive tract);
  • the consumption of food without an appropriate heat treatment;
  • intra-uterine infection of the mother.

The main route of transmission of helminth infections by the faecal-oral route, the larvae enter the body through dirty hands, with food and water.

The first signs and symptoms of worms

The manifestations of the helminth infection depend on the colony of parasites, often the symptoms of an infection by parasites confused with a common cold, food poisoning, intestinal infections, allergies.

  1. The round of the stomach with a stream of blood fall to the liver and lungs, after 3 weeks of migrating back to the intestine.
  2. Pinworms crawl to the parking of eggs in the anal region, therefore, may live and of the genital organs.
  3. Some types of parasites affect the liver and the pancreas.
  4. Certain types of tapeworms entering the brain tissue.

How to understand that, to a child, to:

  • extended constipation – occur because of the accumulation of parasites in the intestine;
  • a disorder of the chair – to of land to produce a particular enzyme, which accelerates the process of digestion in man, are not digested the fate of food with lots of water.
  • bloating – when the parasitic infestations flatulence continues over several months;
  • nausea, vomiting, excessive salivation;
  • a decrease or a strong increase in appetite, weight, in the case where the drop in
  • the irritable bowel syndrome – in the middle of the long parasitic infestations develop the inflammatory processes in the GASTROINTESTINAL organs;
  • Parasites
  • the pain in the abdomen , often localized in the region of the navel or below the ribs on the right;
  • anaemia, vitamin a deficiency – worms of the earth to absorb the nutrients that prevent the normal absorption, the body suffers from a deficit of vitamins and trace elements;
  • joint and muscle pain;
  • dermatologic problems arise on a background of a strong intoxication of an organism of waste-to – human papillomavirus (hpv), acne, urticaria, eczema;
  • the deterioration of the state of nails, hair;
  • cough, headache, other symptoms of the common cold, sinusitis, adenoids.

When parasitic infestations evolution and state of psycho-emotional-child – he is in a bad mood, irritable, sleep disorders, teenagers have depression.

The signs of helminth infection depending on the type of parasites

In addition to the symptoms, certain varieties of earthworms cause the appearance of specific symptoms.

During the enterobiasis

When the infection occurs heavy, s militarist itching in the anal area, which is enhanced during sleep, the child wakes often, on a background of fatigue, worsening memory, diminished school performance. The pathology is often accompanied by bed-wetting, girls develop an inflammatory disease of the reproductive system, in the event of contamination may be the inflammation of the appendix.

Enterobiasis can cause anal itching


Particularly acute in young children, on the merits of the parasitic infection with increasing temperature up to 38 degrees, there is a dry cough with sputum color orange, sometimes we can observe an increase of the lymph nodes, the spleen, the liver. One of the major signs – the appearance of the eruption on the skin of the feet and hands.

When the opistorhoze

There is a period of increase of the temperature up to high elevations, expressed by allergic reactions, joint pain.


Accompanied by a strong cough, attacks of suffocation, abundant itching rash, may be the defeat of the cornea.

If the child is often sick colds, pathology, lend themselves poorly to medical treatment, may be the reason of the appearance of unpleasant symptoms due to infestation by the worms. Exactly to identify the parasites will help to diagnose.

The analyses on the intestinal worms in children

The main method of diagnosis – analysis of the cala and scraping, but this method allows you to recognize that a small amount of noise, if the results are negative, but in children are present signs of helminth infection, you must pass a more thorough review.

Research methods:

  • the scratching of the tape with the folds – do it in the morning, the child should not wash, empty themselves the intestines;
  • coprogram – analysis pass three times at intervals of 5 to 7 days;
  • the clinical analysis of blood to determine the number of eosinophils, hemoglobin;
  • x-rays of the chest, the study of sputum – in case of suspicion of presence of parasites in organs of the respiratory system;
  • MRI, scanner, ULTRASOUND – you can see the worms in the brain, the liver, the lungs.

The ct scan will give the possibility to clearly understand — a helminth or not

One of the most reliable methods of diagnosis of parasitic infestations – ELISA, in the blood to detect antibodies and antigens in animals, to determine their level of concentration. The validity of the analysis, more than 95%) is used to detect the presence of any helminth, regardless of their location. Find the results at the end of 2-3 days.


The main advantage of the method is to detect the parasite a few hours after infection, well before the appearance of the signs of helminthiasis.

Infants rarely suffer from pest infestation, in the risk group are children aged from 2 to 7 years. Breastfed babies can be infected by parasites only of members of the family.

How to view intestinal worms in children at home?

During the detection of parasites in the child, it is necessary to immediately begin drug therapy to prevent the development of serious complications. As an additional method of treatment, you can use the remedies of alternative medicine.

The first aid

The best thing that parents can do if you suspect the presence of parasites in the child – visiting infectious diseases physician, or a pediatrician. The powerful anti-fund to accept without pre-diagnosis is dangerous and useless.

Before the results of the analyses can be performed only by a symptomatic treatment.

When the vomiting, the diarrhea does not need to rush to the taking of medication, the body of this way to try to get rid of the useless, just to give the child more fluids to avoid dehydration.

The treatment with the drugs

The basis of the processing when the parasitic infestations are anti-drugs, the drugs produce in the form of tablets, suspensions, in the form of candles, which lets you choose safe and effective medicine to a child of any age.

Other drugs in the parasitic infestations:

  • ability to accelerate the process of purification of the body, by restoring balance of the intestinal microflora;
  • cholagogues drugs prescribed during the defeat of the parasites of the liver, the gallbladder;
  • laxatives eliminate constipation, to contribute to the elimination of parasites;
  • the medicines for the restoration of the functions of the GASTROINTESTINAL organs;
  • antihistamines;
  • the complex multivitaminés.

As with most medications do not affect the livelihoods of the eggs of parasites, medication required three times at intervals of 15 to 20 days. When the diagnosis of helminthiasis of the child, the treatment should be done to all members of the family at the same time.

The fight against helminth infections folk remedies

The methods of alternative medicine to help cleanse the body and eliminate the inflammatory processes, reduce the manifestation of the poisoning, strengthen the immune system. But only with the help of popular recipes completely get rid of the worms is difficult, and often impossible, it is reasonable to combine them with the drugs.

Simple recipes remedies:

  1. Pour 220 ml of water 20 g of flaxseed, leave it for 30 minutes. Drink 100 ml before breakfast, lunch, and dinner during the week.
  2. Pour 1 tablespoon of crushed chamomile flowers 280 ml of boiling water, leave the lid on the bowl cooling. Any portion of the drug drink during the day, continue treatment for 5 days. This is the safest way to recover the functions of the GASTRO-after helminth.
  3. Brew 1 tablespoon of the dry powder of the absinthe 500 ml of boiling water, cool, filter. Give to the child of 20 ml three times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  4. Pour 1 liter of boiling water for 5 kg of sorrel, and simmer the mixture in a bain-marie for 2 hours, drain. Take 2 sips before each meal.
  5. Clean garnet, of medium size, chop the zest, pour 500 ml of water, simmer on low heat for 30 minutes. Drain, divided into 3 parts, to give to the child of 1 portion of each half-hour. At the end of 3 hours you need to drink a laxative.
Flax seeds

Most of the parasites evil to survive in an acidic environment, with a treatment of worm infestations activate in the menu sauerkraut, natural fruit juices, grapes and fruit. Speed up the cleaning process, strengthen the immune system to help a carrot or fresh juice. In the course of the therapy to refrain the cooking, and fast carbs.

The prevention of worm infestation among children

In order to reduce the risk of development of the helminth infection, with the early years accustom the child to comply with the basic rules of hygiene are often and carefully to wash hands after the street, the visits to the toilet, before meals and the contact with the animals. Do not wear dirty hands to the face, do not pull the fingers, never objects in the mouth.

Methods of prevention:

  • do not give the child water not boiled, the products without appropriate heat treatment;
  • all fruits and vegetables be washed in hot water, possibility to launder heavily contaminated by the products, you can soak for 7 to 15 minutes in soda solution;
  • on the promenade to enjoy the spray and towels with a disinfectant;
  • in short cut the nails of the child;
  • avoid swimming in fresh water, stagnant water;
  • protect the food, the housing of flies, not to eat in the street;
  • treat the skin, the clothing, the means of mosquitoes;
  • regular pest control treatment of pets.

It is important! The appropriateness of the medication for the prevention of parasitic infestations are the doctors of the opposition. Some experts recommend drinking medications to all children in the preschool and two times in the year, other pediatricians are opposed to this method, as a means against parasites is toxic, it is impossible to predict when the infection.

Intestinal worms in children occur often, the medical diagnosis and treatment will help you eliminate the parasites. The drugs to combat parasites, you can buy in pharmacies without prescription, but self-medication dangerous, chose the wrong dosage can cause a malfunction of the brain, the nervous system, the kidneys, the liver.